Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

March 2013

OPENING and in-house exhibition LAMTEC Leipzig

Directly after ISH, LAMTEC celebrated the first anniversary of our Leipzig location moving into the new building at Taucha, near Leipzig. We celebrated this event with an attractive cultural programm  and an in-house exhibition together with numerous international and local business partners.

Joint travel directly after ISH on Saturday in a specially rented conference/bistro bus to Weimar offered many an opportunity to continue and deepen discussions begun at ISH, and to start new ones. The evening ended with a festive dinner at Weimar. Sunday at Leipzig was marked by culture and entertainment; lunch on the trails of Goethe at Auerbach’s Keller, sightseeing tour in a vintage double-decker bus and finally a tour through still very wintry Leipzig zoo brought many new impressions. Highlight of this evening undoubtedly was the show and dinner at the zoo’s Kiwara lodge, all under the motto “Africa”.
The following Monday was dedicated to the LAMTEC in-house exhibition and the forum with lectures and presentations on a widely varied topic: From the history of LAMTEC to expert technical presentations on product innovations such as for instance, BT300, LT3, GKI, VC1000 and F300K to aspects of current norm discussions. Also the guided tour through the building was well received by our guests who actively took the opportunity to take a look “behind the scenes”.

Event präsentations for downloading:
Invitation (pdf)
Agenda (pdf)
Product range LAMTEC (pdf)  
LAMTEC BurnerTronic BT300 (pdf)  
Overview flame systems (pdf)
F152 - flame ssensor innovation from Taucha (pdf)
Graphical-Customer-Interface for ETAMATIC and FMS (pdf)
Visiocontrol VC1000 (pdf)
Current norm situation (pdf)
Measurement Systems for Oxygen and Combustibles LAMTEC COe and O2 Sensors (pdf)

Photos from in-house exhibition LAMTEC Leipzig (Taucha) and cultur program klick hier.